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Needed - Bench to hire in London

Needed - Bench to hire in London  I have just finished a jewellery short course and I am looking for a bench space for practicing, ideally the bench will be within a studio where I can be surrounded by other artist too. Please see below details :  Weekends Hire only OR 2x Evening Hire only  (I work as a fashion designer 9am to 6pm weekdays)  London Happy to share the bench  Can be flexible with dates and times too  Location : London  Please email :

Illuminating Silver, Rauni Higson

Rauni Higson - Illuminating Silver Alchemy in the 21st Century Solo exhibition at Craft in the Bay, Cardiff 9 September to 29 October 2023 Craft in the Bay, Cardiff Rauni Higson announces her first solo exhibition at Craft in the Bay, the Gallery of the Makers’ Guild in Wales, in Cardiff in September 2023. Supported by Arts Council Wales, the exhibition, entitled ‘Illuminating Silver’ will be an insightful glimpse into the process and practice of one of the UK’s leading sculptural silversmiths, Qest scholar and multi-award winning craftswoman. The exhibition will take visitors through the journey of a silversmith, told